Little Anna's 60th Anniversary!

About us

We are a family-owned company in Värmland, Sweden. The company owns and works with the rights to Inger and Lasse Sandberg's children's book characters.

Together, Inger and Lasse have written and illustrated more than 100 books for children aged 1 to 10 years. Some of the books by Inger and Lasse Sandberg are published in 33 languages. The Scandinavian countries have shown almost as much interest in the books as Sweden. For over 30 years, Sandberg books have been in second place in Swedish library statistics, with an average of over a million books rented from all categories.

Almost all children and even their parents and grandparents know who Laban the Little Ghost is. Proof that the books create joy and identification among today's children comes in the form of the many letters and pictures that are sent to us at Tre Sandberg, Inger and Lasse from children and teachers. Children's book reviewers from all over Sweden have seen that children as young as 1 year old can identify Lasse Sandberg's characters.

In addition to the books, there are around 60 television programs about and featuring Thumb, Little Anna and the Long Uncle and the Little Ghost Laban and his sister (Labolina). In addition to these shows, there are about 60 shows featuring other characters such as Pulvret.

7 films have been in cinemas in Sweden. Films have also been shown in cinemas in Holland and France with great success.

All Nordic countries have also played episodes from the films on television so that all children have the opportunity to see them. You are welcome to contact us.

Dan Lundqvist
[email protected]
073 - 5266433

Partner, Web, Sale & Office
Tina Sandberg
[email protected] 070 -7821017